Choosing the Right Roofing Contractor
Choose a roofing company that repairs and replaces the roof deck before covering it up.
We’ve got bids, What roofing company do we choose?
Some homeowners look at their roof as if buying milk, and will chase around until the price is where they feel the deal is. The real cost of a cheap roof will discuss this closely By finding and reading this blog I hope you at least got an estimate from Rooftop Solutions.
Ask the hard questions. I do. My favorite question is “What is most important to you if we do the job?” There’s always something important to a homeowner: “That’s my favorite plant in the landscaping.” “We don’t want ruts in our yard.” “I want this color of roof.” “I want a shingle that will out live me so I don’t have to do this ever again.” “What roofing company do we choose?” Ask “What roofing company makes you feel the best.” If the most important thing is only price, refer to link in the first paragraph again. Who is confident? Is a crew just going to show up and start working with no supervision? How much communication occurs before the sale? Does the roofing company you are choosing have a schedule or idea when the project will be completed? Ask what happens if something goes wrong. How does that get handled? Why is one company so insanely cheap and the other guy seems outrageous with their estimate? I’ve been in both places. Sometimes I forgot things on my estimate and was cheap, other times I had everything and was expensive. Some companies don’t understand business and are operating too lean or cheap. These companies go away quickly. What roofing company to chose really comes down to trust and ultimately what does your gut tell you. People buy from people. I’ve sold roofing for two other companies before operating my own company. The key to all of it is making sure the moral compass of your salesperson doesn’t spin. The best discussions I’ve had with people were prepared for me and really kept me on my toes. Test your salesperson! Write questions down. Asking the right questions will get you the right answers. This will lead you into choosing the right roofing company.
Comparing roofing companies to make the best choice
Sometimes roof bids are comparing apples to potatoes. Yes, they are that different. This is probably the trickiest part of all of it, Nobody really knows what anyone else is bidding. Choosing quality roofing materials vs. economy items can easily close a $1000 roof bid gap. Having a certified or credentialed roofing contractor can cost an additional $100-$300 to register and service the full replacement warranty. Remember the price will close pretty fast when the value aspect of everything is factored in.
Google Reviews. Others have had good experiences or bad. Do a little digging and make the best choice.
What’s the plan for repairs? Ask and importantly check to see what materials are brought, plywood, 1x4’s, 2x4’s.
Decisions take time. How much of a push are you getting from your roofing contractor? Does it seem like your decision or theirs?
A contract is important, but not until later. Why does this company want me to sign up so fast? Not local. They are in your area for a short time. Signing anything means you will be locked up in an agreement and just signed away your decision making power.
Does your roofing contractor believe one shingle is better? - This is very good, The contractors that simply say “I don’t care what shingle gets puts on.” are the ones to watch out for. Why? They put every shingle on the same way: right or wrong. There’s no quality standard for them. Every company calls for different application methods that can very slightly but could mean the difference between an issue or not. Not caring what is installed means generally not having any standards.
Is the estimate in writing? - Verbal agreements mean nothing, I know it’s sad to say. Honestly it is the truth. Make sure there is some document that is a benchmark for the project, otherwise everything can easily fall apart and a visit to the court room may be necessary
Who will be on the job supervising? - This is a real difference maker with how the job will go or what you may find down the road. As the owner I’m on site with my crew. Any issues that come up I’m there. Anything they need I get. Anything that happens is not hidden in hopes nobody finds it. When choosing a roofing company, ask the question to your sales person “who will be supervising our project?” If you get a deer in the headlight look, you might be choosing the wrong roofing company. An answer that has some confidence to it, should be the peace of mind you’re looking for.
Licensed and insured. Just because a company is licensed and insured does not equal awesome. The minimum has been met. A company without insurance or a license means your homeowner’s insurance could chip in to help with an onsite injury. Probably not desirable.
Choose a credentialed or certified roofing company
Is the contractor credentialed or certified by a company? Warranties can be empty promises, I know being in the industry and actually helping homeowners through the warranty process. There tends to be loop holes, when the manufacturer is looking out for themselves Things that are done incorrectly by the contractor will void the warranty. Certification in roofing companies is important because the manufacturer and roofing contractor are aligned on procedures. Fingers don’t get pointed and an issue with your home can be handled quickly because the manufacturer and contractor are vested in each other. Choosing a credentialed or certified roofing company also means better warranties that far exceed what a non credentialed roofing contractor can offer.
Four Star CertainTeed Credentialed Warranty
Now you can choose a roofing company wisely, here’s the quick summary
Avoid the cheap guy, cheap help, cheap shingles, cheap materials. The sole angle of price means trouble for you.
Credentialed or Certified means a legit warranty
Job Supervision- Is the supervisor a phone scroller or a project stroller?
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